Alocasia Red Secret

Alocasia red secret
Alocasia cuprea Red Secret Care & Info Guide
- Light. Thrives in bright, well-lit conditions, however direct sunlight should be avoided as it will dull the plant's colourful leaves.
- Humidity. Needs a moist environment with above average humidity. ...
- Toxicity. These plants are harmful if eaten and are a skin and eye irritant.
How big does Alocasia cuprea Red Secret get?
Size and Growth Once mature, the size of Alocasia cuprea can reach between 12 to 18 inches in height. The stems are relatively short because the leaves can grow oversized, taking up most of the plant's size.
What is rare Alocasia cuprea Red Secret?
Alocasia cuprea 'Red Secret' is a jewel Alocasia that is endemic to Sabah in Borneo, South East Asia. Alocasia cuprea has glossy, metallic leaves that are purple – coppery deep red and very exotic looking.
Which Alocasia is rare?
Alocasia Chantrieri is a rare variety with a dark emerald green top and a reddish-purple underside as well as a hint of light silvery-green in the veins of the foliage. This plant is a must have for rare plant collectors and will surely become a centerpiece no matter where you choose to display it.
Do Alocasia like to be misted?
Your Alocasia prefers a humid environment so mist often. Mist the leaves regularly using a Mister, place a humidifier nearby, or use a pebble tray to raise the humidity. Your Alocasia prefers warm temperatures between 65–85°F.
Where should Alocasia be placed in a house?
Alocasias need bright, but indirect light. This is due to the plant's natural habitat, on the forest floor beneath the tree canopy. Direct sun will cause the leaves to burn, so avoid placing your Alocasia in a spot where it'll be exposed to direct sun for a prolonged period.
Do Alocasia like big pots?
They take well to growing in pots, provided you follow a few guidelines. Alocasia produce very large leaves that are held upright, nearly vertical. Alocasia grow more upright than Colocasia, with very large leaves that can stand nearly vertical. It can transition to a houseplant and remain in green growth all year.
Do Alocasias like to be crowded?
Be aware that all parts of the Alocasia are poisonous if ingested. These plants like to be slightly under-potted for best foliage development. This means that they enjoy being a bit crowded in their container. When things get too overcrowded you can repot into a larger container with fresh new potting soil.
Are Alocasia hard to keep alive?
Alocasia houseplants thrive when they receive lots of humidity which makes sense given their subtropical origins. Placing the houseplant in an area with high humidity is ideal. If you live in a drier climate or just don't have an area with enough humidity, then consider using a humidifier or a pebble tray with water.
How difficult are Alocasia plants?
What is this? Under ideal circumstances there would probably be more Alocasia fans. The problem with these houseplants, is that they can be quite difficult to keep alive as it won't accept sub standard care or incorrect conditions for very long.
How do you make Alocasia happy?
Alocasia Amazonica Light Requirements These plants need bright indirect light to do their best. A little bit of morning sun or filtered sunlight is great, but keep this plant away from harsh, direct sunlight. What is this? This is definitely a plant that you do need to keep very close to a window.
Can you touch Alocasia?
Wear gloves - You should always wear gloves when handling your Alocasia to avoid any contact with bare skin. Wash hands - If your skin does make contact with the plant, wash your hands immediately and avoid touching your eyes or mouth.
Which Alocasia is most expensive?
Alocasia Azlanii A plant with gorgeous leaves — dark green with veins in shades of pink and purple and a bright shiny texture — it can be found in Sarawak, Malaysia, and is very difficult to propagate. Also known as 'Red Mambo,' it can be around 12 feet tall and is expensive owing to its look.
What is the most beautiful Alocasia?
What is the most beautiful Alocasia? Alocasia baginda 'Dragon Scale' is arguably one of the most stunning Jewel Alocasia varieties. It's prized for the distinctive venation and coloration on its leaves, which create a texture and appearance that resemble large scales.
What is the rarest indoor plant?
What Is the Most Exotic Houseplant? The most exotic houseplant include the strangest-looking succulents like Pseudolithos and Trachyandra. Many tropical plants are also considered rare because of their out-of-this-world appearance, like varieties of Monstera, Alocasia, and Philodendron.
What are the signs of overwatering Alocasia?
Overwatering. If you overwater your Alocasia, it's possible that it will develop root rot or a fungal infection. Watch for brown or black spots developing on the leaves and monitor the soil for moisture. The soil should be damp, but not saturated with water, for optimal health.
Should I Bottom water Alocasia?
Do Alocasia like to be bottom watered? Alocasia plants like to be bottom watered, but they require soil with good drainage so as not to lead to root rot.
Should I cut off drooping Alocasia leaves?
The oldest leaves will start to yellow and droop as they naturally die off. This will be the lowest leaf on the plant, and will usually only happen to one leaf at a time. They will fall off on their own but to keep your plant display looking gorgeous you will need to trim the leaf off as close to the base as possible.
Does Alocasia purify air?
At Logee's, we also use Elephant Ear Plants (Alocasias and Colocasias), Dracaenas, Ficus and Calatheas to clean the indoor air. These varieties also made the cut on the NASA list.
What are the benefits of Alocasia plants?
The numerous biological activities of Alocasia species were also presented, which include anti-cancer, antidiabetic and antihyperglycaemic, antioxidant, antidiarrhoea, antimicrobial and antifungal, antiparasitic (antiprotozoal and anthelminthic), antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory, brine shrimp lethality,
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